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Songs of the Sirens

Caraboo Projects, Bristol


Taking Odysseus’ encounter with the Sirens as a point of departure the exhibition looked at what new pleasures and anxieties are emerging today in a world of constant connectivity, and what knowledge these ancient sites and mythologies might transfer as we inhabit an increasingly digital space. Presenting the work of four artists whose work explored themes including mythology, fluidity, power, materiality and artifice.   

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Songs of the Sirens

Watching Limbo

Caraboo Projects, Bristol


Watching Limbo was the first exhibition that launched Caraboo Projects, featuring a group of artists from around the UK bringing new and recent work to Bristol, including film, painting, installation, sound and virtual reality. The exhibition unpicks animation as both craft and concept, whilst taking a playful approach to exploring its emotional, durational and physical possibilities.

Click on image for more.

Watching Limbo

Signs of Life

Liverpool Biennial Independents

Wandle Park London


Thirteen artists tackled a derelict town house in the centre of Liverpool to create new installation artworks in response to the suggestive atmosphere of the building. Stripped down to an empty shell through dilapidation, it is a view into the past; but one that is at once absurd, disturbing and poetic as each room conjured up disjointed narratives and fantasies. Signs of Life emerged out of a dialogue between artists, Pippa Koszerek and John O’Hare, it is the first project to involve artists from Post, a recently formed UK-wide network of early and mid career artists and curators interested in exploring overlooked and derelict spaces. Considering what constitutes a disused site they have both chosen spaces in their respective environments, South London and Liverpool that offer very different perspectives on notions of ‘final’ and ‘Intervention’ taking the mystery of each location as a point of departure.

signs of life exhibition leaflet.jpg

Scratch Lab

Caraboo Projects, Bristol


Scratch Lab was a week long artist residency programme providing artists with a focused environment to explore ideas, take risks and form connections. It ran three times culminating in exhibitions, screenings, and talks.

Click on image for more.

Scratch Lab

The Roadside Museum

Basement Arts Project, Leeds

Venn Projects, Blackpool

The deliberate erosion of information and history is antithesis to the traditional museum conservation process. Both the artists’ and curators’ selection of works for Roadside Museum was unique in that they consciously chose works to undergo a specific but limited degradation and decay process. Using a variety of rare and analogue materials and museological techniques, the combination of contingent object and curatorial framework provided a thoughtful interrogation of decay as a developmental process and excavated remains as finished artworks.

Click on image for more.

John OHare; The Roadside Museum 7

Economies of Resistance

Wolstenholme Creative Space Liverpool

Tooting Market London


Imagine a society in which financial institutions gamble away our money and blame the public when it is gone; where profits are privatised but risk and real cost is socialised. A society in which the arts sector bears the brunt of public-spending cuts because the public are to be anaesthetised and atomised, facilitating complacency with authority and the standardisation of labour. Imagine a place where inequality thwarts social mobility and where privilege creates lasting class divisions…

Imagine an age of austerity. How could the independence of creative expression be asserted in such a dystopia?

Economies of Resistance was an exhibition in that explored new creative strategies that challenge restrictions to cultural production. 

Economies of Resistance - John O'Hare.jpg

Founding member of artist-run spaces in Liverpool (Wolstenholme Projects), London (POST) and Bristol (Caraboo Projects).

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