Dumped was a project for Text & Context, Cambridge (now Art Language Location).
I approached people of various professions to analyse, examine and interpret the items of rubbish found deposited in people's bicycle baskets in Cambridge. The various "expert" opinions enabled insight to be gained into the lives of the culprits through what the litter they discarded might reveal about themselves.
Responses were published in a limited edition booklet available from Camcycles, Cycle Repair Shop & H.Gee (along Mill Road), and Plurabelle Books (off Purbeck Road). The booklets were illustrated with photographs documenting the project taken by Maciej Pawlikowski (www.halo-photo.com.)
Some excerpts from the booklet are below.
Items found in a basket on Kings Parade:
Frayed bloodied dental floss; A paper coffee cup, carefully torn bills and statements, a crisp packet stuffed with tangerine peel and cling film.
Bin Analysis provided by an amateur astrologist in Braintree:
You are a go-getter, you know what you want: the world is not quite your oyster, more of a rubber ball that you bounce off the walls. Definitely a Leo, you pack your own lunch! Soon your financial plans will reach fruition. Perhaps it’s that promotion you’ve been waiting for. Keep your eyes on the skies because in 2012 a rare transit of Venus will present a fantastic opportunity for you. There is also a steamy affair on the horizon, naughty, naughty!
Items found in a basket on St Andrew’s Street:
One single floppy Union Jack wing mirror cover; an empty two litre bottle of Coke Zero
Bin Analysis provided by an Archivist in Grantchester:
Vexiphobia is an irrational fear of flags. Flags are the last decaying popular symbols of political ideology. Vague and empty receptacles just like a crumpled fizzy drink bottle that promised the way toward a healthier lifestyle. We are expected to stand to attention beneath flopping rags to unite us in an epic theatre were dreams compete endlessly. You cling to those chasing fame and glory whilst history silently rolls by in all its ordinariness and violence. All of this washed down with Pop to the point of stomach cramps and the occasional nightmare.